Owing to the increased flexibility and reduced IT cost, there has been a shift from web application data to cloud applications for storing sensitive data. It has consequently led to the emergence of complexities, security issues and vulnerability to the data. Besides, since data is stored virtually in cloud hosting, it is hard to regulate “data at rest” and “data in transit”. In order to maintain an optimal and secures cloud application functionality, it is important for an organization to authenticate access and secure critical data
CyberNeoGen holds years of experience in securing everything ranging from corporate networks to cloud computing security. Via our comprehensive cloud security solutions, we ensure that your organization takes maximum advantage of cloud applications but at the same time have improvised visibility into their functionality. Our approach towards cloud security includes a deep understanding of cloud architecture and consequently identifying potential attacks. The identification process includes deeply searching network layer of cloud design as well as applications running on virtual data centres. We assist our clients from the very cloud design phase to the implementation phase.